I've been trying some late summer tench fishing, without success, recently. Plastic casters and corn, and real live maggots, have been ignored by the red-eyed demons. But not by other species. Small, three to six ounce, roach took a liking to my 6mm popped up plastic pellets so I thought two 8mm crab Pellet-Os on a hair tied off a size eight would avoid them. They didn't!
The year is starting to slip past quickly now, yet there are still reed warblers and kingfishers to be seen supplying their last brood of the season with food.
While summer clings on midday temperatures are high, and the sun bright, but when it dips low the air chills and a dampness rises from the ground. Although the trees remain green their leaves are becoming brittle. Bankside vegetation is similarly crisping up with seed heads drying. Hips and haws are reddening. The last of the meadowsweet flowers are fading, and when they are gone autumn will be almost upon us.
All of which makes me indecisive as to what to fish for. There's still a chance of tench, bream are a distinct possibility as are eels while the water stays warm. If I could be bothered travelling zander would be an option.